project, realization Kinkaleri | with Kebba Cham, Mohamed Ouwali | production Kinkaleri – 2017 |with support of Mibac – Dipartimento dello Spettacolo, Regione Toscana
The Cassero is a rest of the walls of Prato, a space that could be conceived as a particle accelerator, a straight line where photons run almost like light. Alternatively, a border, archaic and obsolete, like every law or as any dividing wall. The Performance investigates the sequence of the breaking point. The morphology of the place makes the experiment natural, it can be witnessed by two opposite views, two points that are declared and showed together. Closeness and distance, two complementary visions of a single landscape. An event that at any moment prevents you from being able to continue causes an accident. It’s time to be elsewhere, without regrets, as settlers in space.