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with Jacopo Benassi
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project and realization Jacopo Benassi, Kinkaleri/Massimo Conti, Marco Mazzoni, Gina Monaco | production Kinkaleri, Btomic – 2016 | with Jacopo Jenna, Marco Mazzoni | Mix Avenir & Restivo x Tip Top Audio Records x Mixology
The Kinkaleri project, realized in collaboration with the photographer Jacopo Benassi, explores the dynamics of the image using the performance as an element of sharing spaces. Acircular motion where audience and performers talk on the same level, under the eyes of the camera flash as a visual punctuation of shared activities. In black and white. The performance has a title: NTY. Watching the show you will react as to any other object in the world, you notice above all its location with all the elements gathered into a single space, where each barrier is dissolved although other thresholds emerge. Something happens and to each one is shown the responsibility of his own presence spread over several levels. A famous photographer in slippers overlaps all the performance’s layers with the speed of the present. The projection becomes a photographic simultaneous fresco of what happens. Then come on stage the brains and ask, what happens?