Umanesimo Disumanesimo Tourmanesimo
Umanesimo, Disumanesimo, Tourmanesimo
An unreasoned action for a historical itinerary in Florence
project, realization Kinkaleri | with Massimo Conti, Marco Mazzoni, Gina Monaco | production Villa Romana Firenze, Kinkaleri – 2017 as part of the exhibition Umanesimo, Disumanesimo 1980/2017 Lara-Vinca Masini e il senso della crisi nell’arte europea curated by Alessandra Acocella, Angelika Stepken
With regard to the place, space would be what word becomes while it is spoken,
namely while the ambiguity of a fulfilment gets hold of word.
(Michel de Certeau)
Umanesimo, Disumanesimo, Tourmanesimo is a performance travelling through the exhibition itinerary – on an urban scale – conceived and curated by Lara-Vinca Masini on the occasion of Umanesimo, Disumanesimo nell’arte europea 1890/1980 [Humanism, Inhumanism in European Art 1890/1980], an exhibition happened in Florence, Italy, in 1980.
The purpose of study of our work is the revisitation of the locations used for the historical exhibition, in order to create a “Tourmanism”, a group tour in the historic centre of Florence. The experiment consists in evoking an event with a new performance that borrows a dotted line from the past, an itinerary to travel so to get here and now with the same necessity. The project is intended to develop the certainty of interpreting this new passage like a further impulse for Lara-Vinca Masini’s influential event programme, holding in high regard its unaltered importance, its power, and its revolutionary ability. An opportunity to keep on asking questions to the city of the Renaissance.
itinerary: _Vasca Palazzina Reale, piazzale Adua S.M.N. Railway Station_Cortile Palazzo Montaiuti-Niccolini, via dei Servi, 15_Chiostro delle Oblate, via dell’Oriuolo_Piazzetta Santa Elisabetta_Cortile Palazzo Nonfinito, via del Proconsolo,12_Cortile Palazzo Pazzi-Quartesi, via del Proconsolo,10 _Cortile Palazzo Borgia, via Pandolfini, 20 _Cortile Palazzo Baldini-Libri, via della Vigna Vecchia, 7 _Cortile di Palagio di Parte Guelfa, piazza S. Biagio_Cortile Palazzo Frescobaldi, via S. Spirito, 11